Whether you would like prayer, a hospital or in-home visit, are grieving the loss of a loved one, or have another care request, a member of our pastoral team who is gifted in love and compassion can come alongside you on your journey. Fill out the form below and we will be sure that you receive the encouragement and support that you need.

Realizing that when facing difficult life circumstances and challenges, the joy, peace, and love that people experience can be overshadowed by worry and doubt, our Prayer Team exists to come alongside members and their families experiencing a crisis or difficulty in their lives involving illness, hospitalization, grief, or life transitions. We are concerned about the practical and spiritual needs of those among us and are here to help by through responding and equipping.

Responding. Upon request, we welcome the opportunity to offer both care and prayer. Our trained team of staff and volunteers is eager to connect with you, hear what’s on your heart, and offer encouragement and prayer. To share a care concern or prayer request, call the church office, fill out a prayer card, or fill out the form above and we will be sure someone connects with you. 

Equipping. As a community of believers, we are committed to equipping the body to care for one another in ways that are meaningful. We believe every person should be in supportive community each week.